10 minutes flat to...
Beautify yourself in all simplicity


All of PHYTOMER's scientific expertise for visible and proven results

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Flawless-Skin Tonic

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Treatments & Spas

When PHYTOMER combines beauty and well-being

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Your morning motto of speed and efficiency.

01 10 minutes to conceal a blemish

An undesirable event occurred last night without warning and has left you completely down in the dumps: a PIMPLE. Bad day or situation under control - you choose.

Option 2 without hesitation: begin by thoroughly cleansing the offending area with OLIGOPUR Purifying Cleansing Gel , the impurities and sebum tracker.

Next apply OLIGOMARINE Flawless-Skin Tonic , with a cotton pad, for its purifying and refreshing action with the added bonus of matifying.

After having prepared skin, specifically target the pimple with OLIGOPUR Blemish Target Gel which becomes activated to eliminate the pesky blemish thanks to salicylic acid.

02 10 minutes to combat puffiness and dark circles

The thin and fragile area around the eyes is the first to become marked and suffer from the harmful effects of the environment and time. 3 enemies to constantly track down: wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles.

Let's work on the latter 2 problems that make our face look tired and sad.

1st to come to grips with them: start by alleviating puffiness by massaging the eyelids from the inside outwards for a gentle draining effect. Next use CONTOUR RADIEUX Smoothing and Reviving Eye Mask to give the eyes a real pick-me-up.

2nd action: apply miraculous PIONNIÈRE XMF Reset Eye Fluid in 2 steps :

> Dab this special eye contour texture onto the lower and outer eyelid with the tip of your forefinger, and then smooth from the inside outwards.

> Activate the microcirculation by making little revitalizing presses and pinches with your fingertips.

03 10 minutes to a fresh-faced appearance

Difficulty waking up, blotchy, ultra-pale, wrinkled skin with a grayish tinge, pillow marks that persist, lack of radiance: no need to panic, opt for a vitamin-enriched bye-bye dull complexion formula :

1/ Must-needed (non-aggressive) morning exfoliation : for a gentle exfoliation choose VEGETAL EXFOLIANT with Natural Enzymes and leave on for 5 minutes to activate your radiance-enhancing resources.

2/ Ultra-fresh toning with OLIGOMARINE Flawless-Skin Tonic to breathe an immediate wave of freshness into worn out cells.

3/ An anti-gray complexion Moisturizing Flash with HYDRACONTINUE 12h Moisturizing Flash Gel for maximum hydration synonymous with plumper, suppler and more radiant skin.

4/ Perfect skin with CC CRÈME Skin Perfecting Cream to conceal persistent, shadowy areas and reveal the skin's natural radiance with a "barely there" tint.

04 10 minutes for a tanned body

The sun is shining again and summer is almost here but your body is not yet ready for summertime. So there is an absolute need to enhance it to prepare for the sunny season.


TONING BODY SCRUB with Marine Salt Crystals
An exfoliant with grains, rich in OLIGOMER® and marine salts designed to remove dead skin cells, while bringing vitality to the skin. The body regains soft, smooth and hydrated skin.


SUN RADIANCE Self-Tanning Cream – Face and body
Replace winter skin in the blink of an eye with this soft, melting cream. Its easy application brings an authentic, even and lasting tan.


TRÉSOR DES MERS Ultra-Nourishing Body Cream
A melt-on-the-skin cream, rich in the most precious marine oils, to deeply moisturize the skin, promote cell renewal and improve cell cohesion. Skin is supple, relaxed and super-soft.